It all begins with certification

Through the GMRG certification process, your investigators and site coordinators will receive training on our HEAL methodology, and receive ongoing training and evaluation, to receive optimal patient recruitment. GMRG has developed interactive tools and ongoing training to engage HCP’s and patients, improving their relationships, and developing trusted partnerships in healthcare and clinical research.

The Certification Process

The training modules are designed to be engaging, supportive, consistent, objective, and thought provoking. Each scenario will give real life situations and perspectives, that should be received with an open mind, with thoughts centered around the acronym H.E.A.L. in every facet. Certification is awarded after successful documentation of compliance with GMRG and its standards. Compliance is determined through objective answers given to the scenarios from training, and their outcomes. Future analytics and evaluation will be conducted to truly gauge the effectiveness of the training, through the sites minority recruitment rates.

“Establishing global standards in partnering and recruiting investigators and patients, for the right clinical trials.”

The Standards of GMRG are the backbone of its training program. Knowing and believing that quality care from HCP’s, is only achieved if both HCP’s and Patients are both effectively understanding each other, sharing facts and setting goals, and keeping proper communication. GMRG training is evidence based and conducted by people truly vested in the improvement of quality care of patients, and better recruitment of minority patients into clinical trials. It has been developed by knowledgeable scientists, and experienced experts in diversity and inclusion, to enable HCP’s to truly capture patients in the heat of their moments, and build solid, sustaining relationships, that will retain clinical trial patients, for decades to come. Standards that address each aspect of H.E.A.L. in detail, impacts the overall mission.


GMRG promotes improvement and progress in partnering and recruitment of minority patients in clinical trials. By doing so, it demonstrates a commitment to improving the outcomes of clinical trials, by having a more diverse population of patient participants. With regular updates from our diverse training team, to our interactive training modules, the depth and true understanding and influence of GMRG is unmatched. These intentional standards instill confidence in GMRG and its training, and its mission to spread its message and teachings around the world.



Raise your diversity. Elevate your site. GMRG training elevates your sites position as a quality care organization, and informs patients, health insurance companies and governments, that your sites are dedicated to excellence in patient care, and recruitment into clinical trials.

Benefits of being a GMRG certified organization

There are a number of reasons why you should be a GMRG certified facility. Here are just a few:

1. GMRG is the only organization that addresses all quality aspects of diversity and inclusion of minority patients in healthcare and recruitment into clinical trials.

2. Minority patients are more confident in themselves, and their HCP, in regards to their overall care and treatment, knowing they have been GMRG certified.

3. HCP’s with a better understanding of their patients as a whole, helps to create a better environment for not only themselves and the workplace, but in overall dealings with minority patients.
